MJ - The Life Story of Michael Jackson Nueva York
Sábado, 31 mayo, 2025
Neil Simon Theatre · New York
MJ - The Life Story of Michael Jackson
may 31, sáb, 20:00
• New York
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Rear Mezzanine Lateral
Mid Mezzanine Far Sides/Rear Mezzanine Sides
Last Rows Orchestra/Mid Mezzanine Sides/Rear Mezzanine
Mezzanine Lateral
Front Orchestra Sides/Mid Orchestra Sides/Mid Mezzanine
Mid Orchestra Sides/Rear Orchestra/Mid Mezzanine
Front Mezzanine Lateral
Front Orchestra Sides And Mid Orchestra Sides And Mid Mezzanine
Mid Orchestra/Front Mezzanine Sides/Front Mezzanine
Front Orchestra/Front Mezzanine
Mid Premiums
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